Maslach Burnout Inventory

At eTherapyCare, we ask every clinician to complete the MBI monthly so we can track our goal to eliminate burnout. Your personal data will never be shared, aggregate data will be shared, but never at individual level.

Burnout Self-Test: Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI)

The Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI) is a widely used tool to help assess the risk of burnout. It examines three key components: exhaustion, depersonalization, and personal achievement. While this test can be insightful, it is not a diagnostic tool. Its purpose is to raise awareness about burnout risk.


Response Scale Score: 1-6

Never = 0. A few times per year = 1. Once a month = 2. A few times per month = 3. Once a week = 4. A few times per week = 5. Every day = 6.

For each question, select the number that best represents how often you experience the described feeling.

Section A: Emotional Exhaustion

  • I feel emotionally drained by my work.

  • Working with people all day long requires a great deal of effort.

  • I feel like my work is breaking me down.

  • I feel frustrated by my work.

  • I feel I work too hard at my job.

  • It stresses me too much to work in direct contact with people.

  • I feel like I’m at the end of my rope.

Total Score for Section A:

Section B: Depersonalization

  • I feel I look after certain patients/clients impersonally, as if they are objects.

  • I feel tired when I get up in the morning and have to face another day at work.

  • I have the impression that my patients/clients make me responsible for some of their problems.

  • I am at the end of my patience at the end of my workday.

  • I really don’t care about what happens to some of my patients/clients.

  • I have become more insensitive to people since I’ve been working.

  • I’m afraid that this job is making me uncaring.

Total Score for Section B:

Section C: Personal Achievement

  • I accomplish many worthwhile things in this job.

  • I feel full of energy.

  • I am easily able to understand what my patients/clients feel.

  • I look after my patients’/clients’ problems very effectively.

  • In my work, I handle emotional problems very calmly.

  • Through my work, I feel that I have a positive influence on people.

  • I am easily able to create a relaxed atmosphere with my patients/clients.

  • I feel refreshed when I have been close to my patients/clients at work.

Total Score for Section C:

Scoring Interpretation

Section A: Burnout

  • 0 – 17: Low-level burnout

  • 18 – 29: Moderate burnout

  • 30+ : High-level burnout

Section B: Depersonalization

  • 0 – 5: Low-level burnout

  • 6 – 11: Moderate burnout

  • 12+ : High-level burnout

Section C: Personal Achievement

  • 33+ : Low-level burnout

  • 34 – 39: Moderate burnout

  • ≤ 33: High-level burnout

Interpretation Tip: A high score in Sections A and B, combined with a low score in Section C, may indicate burnout.

Important Note:

This test is for self-assessment only and not a medical diagnosis. If you are experiencing stress or burnout symptoms, consider consulting a mental health professional, counselor, or medical doctor.

Maslach, C., Jackson, S.E., & Leiter, M.P. (1996). Maslach Burnout Inventory Manual (3rd ed.). Consulting Psychologists Press.